Google +1 Button in Cases Noves website

Google +1 Button in Cases Noves website

Why did we have +1 Google Button in our website?

This is a new set of recommendations to Google, like  " I Like" on Facebook or "tweet" on Twitter. What you do is refer your contacts from Gmail our website. We remind you that of course have to continue using the "I Like" and "Tweet", depending on your platform of choice, however if you want to know more about this new button, here's more information we have extracted from this blog Juice Marketing

  •  +1 Google Button will affect the ranking of your pages in Google, as it will be one of the variables to determine the relevance of the pages.
  •  With this new feature, users will receive better results by recommendation of friends and contacts.
  •  With a single button users will have their items of interest under the profile tab of Google.
  •  For Google, "+1 button" means "I recommend it".
  •  "+1 Google button" is not the same as the Google Buzz but have many similarities.
  •  The "+1 Google button" are public by default and can display Google has provided a social connection with another user.
  •  To operate the "+1 button", you have to be in your session Google.